Have questions? We’re here to help.

TMD/Craniofacial Pain FAQs

Because the disc/cartilage between the two bones is dislocating and popping out of place.

TMJ problems are often associated with severe pain. However, pain is a late effect. This means pain is not a predictable way to screen people for TMJ disorders. This pain can also vary in location and nature, from pain in the jaw’s joint space to sharp pains when opening and or closing or persistent dull aches in the muscle. It is not unusual to mistake TMJ pain for headaches and earaches.

The jaw can become stuck when the disc/cartilage dislocates, or the muscles that control movement spasm enough to prevent your jaw’s full range of motion.

TMJ disorders are diagnosed by a physical examination of range of motion, joint sounds/vibrations, joint hard tissue images, sleep diagnostics, and/or soft tissue diagnostic images.

Yes, we will always look at those. However, in most cases, they are not detailed enough. We will likely take a CBCT (Cone Beam Computerized Tomography) to evaluate your symptoms. Thankfully, we have these imaging capabilities onsite.

Yes. Clenching and grinding of teeth can have a negative effect on the jaw joint. The act of clenching and grinding teeth puts stress on the joint space and causes a decrease in the quality of the lubrication and impedes movement, which causes increased load, inflammation, and breakdown of the TM joint.

Drugs such as analgesics, corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, and local anesthetics may play a role in your treatment. However, drugs alone cannot solve your TMJ issues.

More than 60% of patients with TMJ issues also suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Sleep is when we rest, heal, and rejuvenate. Proper sleep is paramount to health. Oftentimes the OSA and other sleep-related breathing disorders negatively affect the health of the TM joints through increases load to these structures.

Yes, TMJ problems often cause headaches and can be resolved if the origin of the headache is related to the nerves innervating the TM joints.

TMJ issues are progressive; they continue to get worse over time. This progression usually looks like short-term sharp pains, jaw inflammation resulting in muscle tenderness, jaw joint noises, limited range of motion and locking of the jaw, changes in the bony makeup of the jaw joint, wear and destruction of teeth, and loss of a portion of jaw joint resulting in a permanent change in the bite and ability to chew. Ultimately doing nothing will cost more than investing in treating your symptoms.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea FAQs

A diagnostic sleep study completed at home or in the lab is the only way to know. Our team can help you determine what type of test is best suited for you.

Sleep apnea is classified by the number of times you stop or nearly stop breathing in an hour of sleep: Mild, or 5-15 events per hour, moderate, or 16-30, and severe which is greater than 30.

We hope so! Snoring is multifactorial. We will need to determine what factors we can influence and improve to eliminate your snoring.

Success in medicine is determined by a 40% reduction in symptoms. We will continuously evaluate your progress and document improvements to ensure your success.

We do not accept insurance because we care about you too much. If we did, our practice would not be in existence to serve the 5,000+ patients we’ve treated. Learn more about the limitations of working with insurance companies.

Obstructive sleep apnea steals far more than sleep; it steals life. Few diseases affect your longevity and quality of life more than sleep apnea. Of course, it is impossible to know. Still, heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, automobile accidents, poor performance at work, fatigue, and negative social interactions are among the most common and problematic risks.

Home Sleep Test FAQs

It is a sleep test completed at home that helps us quantify what is happening with your breathing, oxygen levels, awakenings, and positioning during sleep. We have several different units that are uniquely utilized for specific situations. The best part is these can be done in the confines of your own bed with ease.

This is a sleep test done at a medical facility where you spend the night. This test gathers a great deal of data relating to your sleep and is monitored by a technician all night long. We can help you determine which test is best suited for your needs.

Request an Appointment

If jaw pain, facial pain, or sleep disorders plague you, let us help! The TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre has a treatment plan that is right for you.


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We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, February 27th.

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We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 22nd.