Looking to Jumpstart Healthy Eating? Create a Healthy Meal Plan

There is a saying—If you fail to plan you’ve planned to fail.   I think this applies to healthy eating as well. To succeed at cleaning up your eating habits, it is important to create a healthy eating plan. Doing […]

How Your Diet Affects Your Overall Health

Think of yourself as an automobile. You have an engine and a chassis, also known as a body. Sportscasters often talk about players’ legs as “wheels.” We have gas tanks—our stomachs—where we put our fuel. If your car sits in […]

How to Care for a Child with a Migraine

If you’ve ever suffered from a migraine, or know someone who has, you know how painful it can be. Migraines are no fun.   Now imagine you’re seven years old and you have a migraine. Besides the pain, add a […]

Maintaining Healthy Habits During the Holidays

You work hard year-round to eat right and exercise, sidestepping daily temptations to sleep in, relax, and indulge.   And then the holiday season hits with its time demands and fattening foods. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with shopping and […]

The Correlation Between Exercise and Sleep

It’s estimated that 70 million American adults suffer from some kind of sleep disorder. This is troubling because humans need sleep to survive. In fact, almost all animals do. In a 1989 University of Chicago study, rats that were fed […]

How to Cultivate Healthy Habits for National Women’s Health Week

Physical fitness is like saving for retirement: we all know the basic outline of what we should do, but we want a shortcut. We know it’s a lifelong process that can’t be accomplished all at once or with some silver […]

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Apnea is the Greek word for “breathless,” which describes people with sleep apnea when they are sleeping. In sleep apnea, a person’s — (in the whole animal kingdom, only English bulldogs, pugs, and humans can experience sleep apnea) – sleeping […]

Do You Suffer from Head and/or Neck Pain? You May Have TMD

I learned early in my career, from my mentor Dr. Steven Olmos, that “in a chronic pain situation, the site of the pain and the symptom is rarely, if ever, the origin of the problem.” Millions of Americans suffer from […]

At-home headache remedies

We all get headaches. Some are just a pain in the, well, head. Others are debilitating. They may be accompanied by other symptoms, like nausea and neck pain, and hurt so deep it feels like someone is playing the bass […]